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coming soon


We've put together a list of resources to ask your parish, diocese, and diocesan leaders for change!



This is our Church. We don't need to wait for permission or an invitation for training to recognize abuse, creating resources for victims, and holding one another responsible.


Get trained. Look into Virtus training, so that you can better recognize and stop abuse. Virtus was created by professionals in response to the abuse crisis. Commit to getting yourself trained within the year! More on Virtus here.


Spread awareness. Learn about whether your diocese has an ombudsperson (and what an ombudsperson is). Figure out how to report abusive or troubling behaviors in your diocese. And ask your parish to regularly include this information in the parish bulletin. 


Support our priests. Studies show that abusers are more likely to seek out inappropriate relationships with minors in times of stress and isolation. But regardless of whether they have an inclination to abuse, we should expect our priests to prioritize their emotional and social health and do what we can to encourage this health or draw attention to areas in which it is suffering. And we should do what we can to assist with the areas in which our priests are overworked and understaffed. We should take on some of the duties of our parishes by joining in a parish council or volunteering to use our skills and areas of expertise in the services of our local Church.


Accept change. Increasing the removal of priests not fit for ministry and focusing on the mental and emotional health of our priests may involve changes such as parish closures and mergers. We need to accept these as changes needed for a Church responding to crisis and building a stronger future. Rather than fighting changes, we should support our parishes and dioceses in these times of transition.





take responsibility
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